Valentine’s Day has long been considered a festival of romance around the world, but when it comes to declaring love, people around the globe choose to express themselves differently, some like to express love face to face, some sends SMS, some send video messages and so on. Now Viber, a leading messaging app has revealed some interesting facts about this, here is a info-graphic which shows how people use stickers to express their love.

Viber InfoGraphic

In past we have seen that stickers have become a fun, fast way for chat app users to keep in touch with friends and family, nowadays most of messaging apps like Line, WeChat and Viber support stickers.

Here are some interesting facts which this info-graph reveals :-

  • More than 22 billion stickers sent worldwide last year on Viber
  • Viber analysed the 10 best-selling stickers in each country in 2014 to determine how many were love-related.
  • India is among the top performing countries in the love department with five best-selling love stickers being used
  • Kissing couple was the most popular sticker in India, Japan, Germany, UK and Thailand
  • The most popular sticker in America was Freddie, a cartoon fox, saying ‘Hi’, with only two love-related stickers in its top 10 overall.
  • Russia and Vietnam had similar tastes, with a kissing couple in the top spot, but no other love stickers in the top 10
  • Love didn’t make it to the top of the charts in The Philippines or Singapore either, although kiss stickers came in second and fourth place respectively.

From a global standpoint, love is definitely in the air. The most used sticker across the world in 2014 was a kissing couple. And, with day-to-day chat becoming more and more romantic, 2015 could well see the ‘Virtual Valentine’ taking over from the traditional greetings card.


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