Apple Delayed The Launch Of iPad 2 In Japan

Recently we had told you that Microsoft had delayed the launch of IE9 in Japan as recently a massive earthquake and then tsunami hit Japan.Now Apple has also delayed the launch...

[Confirm] Video Released Of Jailbreak Of PS3 v3.60 By Mathieulh

A couple of days ago a hacker named Mathieulh has posted that he had found an exploit in PS3 v3.60 and successfully Jailbreak it but he said that he will never...

Now Twitter Allows HTTPS Connection By Default

We had already told you that HTTPS connection is more secured, and we had also told you how to activate it on Gmail and use on Facebook And Twitter.But requires you...

Leaked Pics of Windows 8

A Chinese website had posted some leak images of upcoming Windows 8,They had posted some images of 7910 build of Windows 8.According to leaks we had got some news which are...

iPad 2 Is Jailbroken, Nothing Made Public Yet

iPad 2 the latest hot gadget from Apple is released just 3 days back to public and it is jailbroken by a team of development community, Comex.They succeeded to install Cydia...

Why Apple Hasn’t Increased iPad 2 Screen Resolution ?

iPad 2 is out and its sell has started in US and soon it will reach other part of globe, but few folks are asking a big question an it is...

Microsoft Finalizes RTM, Has Build Number 9.00.8112.16421.110308-0330

As we had told you that Microsoft will release Final Or RTM version of IE9 on 14th March 2011.Microsoft has finalized the RTM and has build number 9.00.8112.16421.110308-0330.As from build number...

[Official] Internet Explorer 9 Coming On 14th March

Do you waiting for new IE9? So Microsoft finally announced that they will launch it on 14th march to the public.Remember here we are talking about the final version means the...

HP Ship PC Running WebOS From Next year

As you know that Hewlett- Packard has acquired WebOS after acquiring Palm Inc. last year for $1.2 Billion.HP’s CEO Leo Apotheker, says that from next year means 2012 HP will ship...

Rent Movies On Facebook From Warner Bros

Use Facebook regularly to chat with friends huh ? Now can do a bit more on it, Warner Bros will provide movies on rent via Facebook.Movies will be provided for 30...