There are some new bloggers who keep asking me that they are blogging from few time but not getting better result and what could be the reason for it, Usually I do not review blogs but don’t know why last week I just looked few blogs which users asked me to check. On checking blogs of newbies and some blogs were quite old, i found out that they all are making some common mistakes which were ruining their blogs and they were unable to rank well.
I though of writing a post which will describe some common mistakes which lots of bloggers make and it eventually kill their blog. Don’t worry its not a rocket science, all these mistakes can be fixed very easily, all you require some spare time and patience as it will take sometime for you to see changes, its not you made changes and over the night you will see changes.
#1 Making Confusing Title
When I was going through all those blogs I had noticed that lots of them had used a confusing title for their blog post, well this should be avoided very first, when a reader comes to your blog and he/she first look into your title of post and if title seems interesting then only he is going to open that post and read it otherwise he will skip your blog, don’t forget there are lots of blogs over internet, if a reader is not happy with yours then he wont come back again and will search and find another blog for his need.

Same thing happen when someone made a search on Google or on any other search engine, then he first read your Title of the post which will appear on search result, if its not worthy then reader will skip to next result.
What can I do to make good title :-
- Try to keep it in simple English
- Use your main keyword at starting
- Try to keep your title in between 40-70 character.
#2 Add About Us Page
Everyone like to know who is writing blog, if you provide a little information about you like what you do, how you started blogging and when you had started then it will build a trust among your readers which will result in better interaction with you.
#3 Not Interacting With readers
You are writing a post so that someone would read interact with you, that’s why its very important for you to interact with your reader’s, if anyone has asked question with you try to reply him as soon as possible with relevant information. Also, I had seen in my experience that if someone has posted a comment then they wanna see comment as soon as possible in comments, so try to moderate and approve comments quickly, don’t delay it more than a day.
#4 Not Linking Old Post
I had seen this mistake is made by not only new bloggers but by some old bloggers too, always try to link your old post which is relevant to that post. If you link your old post then it will drive some traffic to your old post, helps Google Spider to direct your website and it will also helps you to prove your points which you are mentioning in current post. Don’t forget, Old Is Gold.
#5 Writing Big Blocks
I had seen that many bloggers were writing big blocks of paragraph on their post, well no one loves to read big paragraphs, always write small paragraphs, provide break points wherever its necessary, you can also use images to give visual break points to the readers.

Apart from making your paragraph small, also try to make your language simple, I have seen many bloggers showing their English skills on their blog, well you writing blogs so that other can understand you not because they wanna know your English.
#6 Having Chunky URLs
Not only humans, but search engines also like simple things, if you have chunky URLs like, then it will be penalized by search engines, instead I suggest you to use URLs like
Before publishing your blog, take a step back and edit your post url and try to remove stop word from it, stop words are like ‘a, an, the, for’ and some more, you can Goggle it and you will find a list of all these stop words.
#7 Not setting proper Meta Descriptions
Meta description is one thing which anyone looks at on search engine, its the things which is shown just below you URL in SERP and before click on your result anyone would read meta description and if they find it convincing then only they gonna click on your URL.
#8 Not optimizing images
We had written a separate article optimizing your images, search engine are bots which cant read or understand your images, so you have to provide some information to search engine bots so that they will be able to know what image is about.
#9 Speed
Speed of your blog matters a lot, if your blog is taking more than 4-5 seconds to load then remember, I have lots of choices over internet and I can switch from your blog easily. So make your blog fast, you can go with good hosting provider like Hostgator, use CDN, and use cache able contents.
If you like to add something then you are more than welcome, use comment sections below and let the world know what they can do to improve their blog.