Nowadays our most of the work is done by smartphones, they play a vital role in our day to day life apart from making callings and sending texts. Structure of phone has also changed and companies has started making more and more powerful phones.

Companies has introduced better body, better camera and multi-core processor too, recently Samsung has launched Octa-Core processor phone which has got 8 cores in it. But the main problem with these multi core phones is that sucks your battery much faster.

There are lots of apps in market which can improve your battery performance but only upto a certain limits. Quad Core Manager+ is an app for Android smartphones which allows you to have full control over your phone’s core and allows you to turn it off or on it which helps you to save battery.

Currently this app does not work on all phones but if it works on yours then you can disable any core except first one, which means if you are having dual core phone then you can turn of second core and if you are having quad-core phone then you can turn of second, third and fourth core and save battery.


Features :-

  • Manual Cores Control : This app provides a pretty simple and interactive UI mostly constituted from buttons and text , allowing you to simply press a button to turn off a core , and another to turn it on . How simple ! Moreover , QCM+ checks your cores’ statuses asynchronously to keep you in sync with your cores’ current statuses.
  • Persistent Mode : Some phones are programmed to control the cores in a frantic way ! This persistent mode (found in menu) will restrict the system and anybody else from changing the cores’ statuses except this app , which will give you 100% control over your cores
  • ACOO : You just turned off your screen and your cores are still awake consuming battery . But WHY ?! This app is the solution ! QCM+ allows you to enable Automatic Cores On/Off (ACOO) service , which will turn off your cores when you don’t use them ( turn off the screen ) and then on when you turn the screen back on ! Plus , it adds the ability to customize which cores you want to turn off and on , and it adds the option to have two advanced and alternative modes for turning on/off your cores
  • Start On Boot : Saves you time ! Instead of reopening the QCM+ app to relaunch the ACOO and Persistent Mode services every time you reboot , it will automatically start them on boot ! Of course this is optional and disabled by default , to enable it , press Menu > Start On Boot.

This app requires root access so you must need a rooted device, if you don’t have rooted phone then skip this app, its not for you.

Download Quad Core Manager+


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