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Microsoft Released Internet Explorer 10 For Windows 7 And Windows Sever 2008 R2

Recently Microsoft has released preview version of IE 10 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, Now Microsoft has launched RTM version of Internet Explorer for Windows 7 and Windows...

Uninstall Internet Explorer From Windows 7

Many times we dont use Internet Explorer on our Windows 7 machine and want to remove it from our computer, if you too want to uninstall them then here is simple way.

Google Chrome Overtakes IE And Becomes Most Used Web Browser

Google Chrome has ended the era of Microsoft Internet Explorer and now becomes the most used web browser in the world

Internet Explorer Updated To 9.0.6

Microsoft has released an security vulnerability update for Internet Explorer 9, and now its Internet Explorer 9.0.6

Internet Explorer 10 PP4 Released

Microsoft has released fourth platform preview of its upcoming web browser, IE 10. This IE10 preview adds even more support for HTML5 technologies, enabling richer Web applications with...

Facebook Recognizing IE 10 As Firefox 5

As you all know that Microsoft has released IE 10 Developer Preview with the release of Windows 8 Developer Preview build. If you too using Windows 8 Developer preview and...

Microsoft Released Internet Explorer 9.0.2

To fix some bugs and loop hole found in Internet Explorer 9 Microsoft has released KB2559049 patch update for all users.This security update resolves five privately reported vulnerabilities and two publicly...

Remove Or Customize Google’s Black Bar

Few days back Google has made a change in its homepage, they had put a black bar on the top, the bar is present in Google homepage from a long time...

Microsoft Released Internet Explorer 10 Technical Preview

Its been a month when Microsoft released IE9 for public and now Microsoft has released the first preview build of its next IE, IE10.Microsoft has unrevealed its next version of browser...

Get Old Classic Picture Viewer In Facebook (For IE, Chrome And Firefox)

Facebook has recently started rolling out new kind of picture viewer which open any picture which you click on the same same page and once you done with viewing or commenting...